Welcome to your FINAL PAPER TEST


Task 1: Listen and circle the correct answer (3 points)


1. Speaker 1______  

2. What's true about speaker 2?

3. Speaker 3...

4. Speaker 4...

5. Speaker 5...

6. What's true about speaker 6?

Task 2: Listen and complete the conversation (7 points)


Andy: (1) your email address, Delia?

Delia: Oh, sure. It’s delia15@snmail.com

Andy: And (2)?

Delia: It’s 9688815.

Andy: Sorry. (3) ?

Delia: 9688815.

Andy: Great. And just one more thing. (4) ?

Delia: My work number? It’s 7529947

Andy: Thanks. And here’s mine. My email is andy@245mail.com.

Delia: Can you repeat that?

Andy: It’s andy@245mail.com. (5) . A-N-D-Y at 245mail.com. And my cell is 3610018.

Delia: 3610018. Got it. (6) your work number?

Andy: It’s 9029914.

Delia: 902-...um, sorry, (7) ?

Andy: 9029914

Delia: Thanks.


Task 1: Choose the best answer (6 points)

1. They ___  on vacation in Europe this month.

2. The sun ______  in the west.

3. We usually ______ (have) dinner at 7 PM.

4. They _________students yesterday.

5. I _____ my trip to Nha Trang two years ago.

6. The students  ____________ in class at present.

7. She _________ a new house next month because she has had enough money.

8. ______ he often go to the gym for exercise?

9. Let’s go out now. It _________ any more.

10.  The weather is not good. It _________.

11. How much ______ those shirts?

12. Matt: “Linda, can you come to dinner on Friday night?”

       Linda: “_______________”

 13. A: “Where is the supermarket? Can you show me where it is?”

         B: “___________”

 14. Would you like some coffee?

15. ________ comes to the meeting and discusses that problem.

Task 2: Write the number (1-5) before each sentence to make a complete dialogue (1.5 points)

No. But you can have it for $50

Excuse me. How much is this? 

This is perfect for my laptop. Would you accept $40?

OK. Thanks

It’s $55. It’s a good price for leather

Task 3: Make questions for the underlined part in each sentence. (2.5 points)

1. My favorite subject is Math.

2. I and my father play volleyball in the afternoon.

3. The homework was very difficult yesterday.

4. My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment.

5. I go to the movies twice a week.