Welcome to your MOCK TEST 5 - READING


Questions 1 — 14

Questions 1 — 8

There are 8 advertisements A — H on the next page.

Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate advertisements in boxes 1 — 8 on your answer sheet. Some letters may be used more than once.

A Hello. My name's John and I am an odd job man. I can do any repair or maintenance work around the house, though I specialise in working with wood. Making wood furniture made to measure is something I'm particularly well known for. Call me on 01564 398 877 if you need somethinq done!

B Experienced gardener available to work mornings in this area. I have lots of experience with creating and maintaining beautiful lawns and I have plenty of experience with landscaping and planting and nurturing flowers. I can also plan and set up kitchen gardens or I can just come in and give you advice about your garden. References available on request. Call 07454 893 212.

C Babysitter for you! Hi. I'm Sally and I'm a student at the local university. I offer babysitting services on any evening of the week. I am available from 6 p.m. every weekday and from 4 p.m. at weekends. I charge $10 an hour and I ask for a taxi to take me home if I stay at your home after 11

p.m. Overnight stays are possible with older children. If you want to have a chat about what I can do, contact me at sallv@online.com.au.

D Home Cleaning. I am an efficient cleaner in your area with years of experience who can work mornings only (8 a.m. — 12 noon - weekdays and weekends). I can do all types of housework, and I can also handle your laundry, ironing, washing up or childcare. Call my mobile: 07864 382 855.

E Mike the Electrician. If you have any issues with the electrics in your house, then I'm the man to call. I can do anything from a total rewire of your home to changing a bulb. Many houses today have wildly out-of-date wiring, so call me to come and have a look for free and I'll provide you with an analysis of your requirements and a quotation 07232 767434 ($60 call-out charge).

F Home Shopping. For people who can't get out and about, I will come to your house or receive a phone call for your shopping needs and then I'll bring it all back to your house and put it into the right place. I charge an hourly rate of $10 with pro rata for time between the hours. Call Alex on 07821 441 448.

G Hayley's Car Servicing. My garage and team of mechanics will give your car a careful check over and get it back to you on the same day (providing we get it before midday). We can also deal with any "yellow sticker" problems right away. Car valeting service available as well. Phone: 01564 902 993.

H Home Cooking. For those people who might find it hard to cook a meal at home (or for those who just don't have time), I provide a cooking and meal delivery service. All you need to do is to place an order from our menu list before 7 p.m. the previous night and we'll bring it to your house. Call or use our website to place your orders. All payments to be done by credit or debit card at the time of ordering. Make sure to give us details of any allergies that you might suffer from. www.foodforyou.com.au / 01564 555 444.


1. However long it takes, this worker has a minimum amount that must be paid if he or she comes to a job.

2. This worker can supply recommendations from previous customers.

3. This worker wants to be contacted by email.

4. This worker wants to be paid by card.

5. This worker can supervise children in the mornings.

6. This worker needs to be provided with transport to get home at certain times.

7. This worker will wash your clothes.

8. This worker has a website that people can use to order the service.

Questions 9 — 14

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 9 - 14 on your answer sheet.

Hotel Amenities

Welcome to the Bayside Hotel. This paper will explain to you some of the basics you'll need to know about during your stay with us.


Breakfast is buffet style and served every morning in the Seaview restaurant, found on the 2nd floor. Breakfast is served every day from 6 a.m. until 10 a.m. If you're up earlier and in a huny fora plane or a train, we will have "Breakfast on the Go" available at the reception. Pick up some coffee or tea, and some filled rolls or fruit (available from 4 a.m. until 7a.m.).

For those people who have lunch in their package or want to order lunch, it too is buffet style and available in the Seaview restaurant from 12 noon until 3 p.m.

Dinner is served at two sittings, the first is from 5.30 p.m. until 7.30 p.m. and the second is from 7.45 p.m. until 10 p.m. Ask the head waiter which sitting you have been allocated. She can change this if space is available. Again, dinner is buffet style and served in the Seaview restaurant. If you'd like to order à la carte, you may go to the top floor Oyster Restaurant. Eating at this restaurant is not included in package prices.

The Beach

Residents only may use our private beach at any time, though the lifeguards are on duty only from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. We discourage swimming outside these hours, as there will be no supervision. All sun loungers and tables on the beach are free of charge for our residents, but a small deposit is required. Food and drinks may be ordered at the snack bar in the pool area and these can be brought to your place on the beach. If you have any minor accident on the beach, such as a minor cut, speak to our lifeguards, who are all first aid trained. For anything more serious or problems in the hotel, there is the nurse on duty 24/7 in the hotel. Ask at reception if you need him/her.

The Pool Area

The main hotel swimming pool area is also solely accessible by hotel residents. Sun loungers a nd tables are free of charge, but they may not be 'reserved' unattended for long periods of time. The pool is open for swimming 24-hours a day, but, like the beach, a lifeguard is only on duty from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. People may order food and drinks at the snack bar. The food can be eaten on the tables at the snack bar or on the sun loungers and tables. Please note that all drinks will be supplied in plastic receptacles, as glass can be a potential danger by the pool. The pool is not suitable for young ch ildren. A paddling pool is available for young children (accompanied by an adult) tothe west of the main pool.


Every evening from 7 p.m., we have entertainment around the pool. This will vary from music recitals and singing to quiz and games nights. Check the entertainment board for the weekly plan.

For any further information about any of the above, please speak to one of our receptionists, who will be happy to deal with your questions.


9. Who should people speak to if they wish to change the sitting they will attend for dinner?

10. What must people give to have the use of a sun lounger on the beach?

11. Who should people ask to see if they're sick in the hotel?

12. Who are the only people who can use the hotel swimming pool?

13. How will drinks be served at the hotel swimming pool?

14. Where will people find information about the evening shows and fun at the hotel? 


Questions 15 — 27

Questions 15 — 21

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15 - 21 on your answer sheet.

Advice on How to Resign

Employees in this country terminate their contract by resigning. Employees should make it clear that they are formally resigning and it would be best to do this in writing giving the correct amount of notice. It might be good to have an informal conversation with your boss before out of politeness, as this can cause good will, but you are not obliged to provide a reason for your resignation. You must tell your employer 1 week in advance if you want to leave your job if you've worked for them for 1 month or more, unless it says differently in your contract. You're usually due the normal pay and things like sick leave before you leave. The time before you leave usually runs from the start of the day after you gave in your resignation.

If you write a resignation letter (and you should), there are certain things you should include. Your letter should include the position you're resigning from and the date you intend to leave. Although not essential, you might want to thank your employer for the opportunities you've been given and offer your willingness to ensure a smooth handover. Although you don't need to give details at this point, it might be a good idea to let your company know if there is any outstanding business you're dealing with that might be affected by your leaving.

If you're a good employee and you've done a good job, the chances are your boss won't want to see you go. The most likely way an employer will try and make you stay is by proposing a pay rise either equal to or above what you've been offered in your new job and/or by suggesting promotion and/or added benefits. Make sure you understand the counter offer and avoid making a knee jerk decision. While the promise of promotion, increased responsibility and extra money may sound tempting, will it really make you want to stay for the next few years? Think carefully about what's been suggested, but don't forget that you'll be working in the same organisation, with the same people and probably under the same boss. Don't be persuaded into staying simply because you're scared of change. It can be tempting to accept because you're comfortable where you are.

If you resign in the 'heat of the moment' (e.g. during an argument) and you change your mind, you should tell your employer immediately. They can choose if they want to accept your resignation or not.

Once you resign, your employer can ask you to leave immediately. In this case they'll probably offer you a one-off payment in lieu, instead of allowing you to work out your time. This amount can be negotiated with your employer. You can also be made to work from home (or another location) until you leave.

Your contract may include a restrictive covenant, which is a period of time that your employer wants to stop you from working for a competitor, or having contact with customers, once you've left the company. You can be taken to court if you break a restrictive covenant.

Try and leave your job on a suitable footing with people. Firstly, any new employer may want a reference from your old employer. While your old employer is not allowed to say bad things about you, they can refuse to issue a reference, which is a very bad sign for a new employer. Secondly, you may find that, in the future, you will work with some of your ex-colleagues and it would be bad to have poor relationships still existing.

Don't expect everyone to be glad about your leaving. Some people might take it personally and it might mean that some of your co-workers have to take on the responsibilities that you are leaving.


Advice on How to Resign

* It's best to resign in writing and give the (15) that is stated in your contract, although talking informally with your boss first is a nice courtesy.

* You don't need to give a reason.

* You're entitled to the usual (16)  and other work conditions until you leave.

* It's best to write a resignation letter with the necessary formalities. Show that you are grateful and that you want a smooth handover. Maybe mention any important (17) related to your post.

* You might be offered a (18) with better pay/promotion/benefits. Consider this carefully before accepting or rejecting it.

* Don't resign when angry — the employers might still accept the resignation if you change your mind.

* You might be asked to leave immediately in return for a paid sum (19) or work somewhere else.

* A restrictive covenant might prevent you joining a competitor or dealing with your old customers — this is legally enforceable.

* Leave on good terms in case you require a (20) . You may also work with the same people again.

* As some colleagues may have to cover your old (21) , don't expect everyone to be happy that you are leaving.

Questions 22 — 27

Complete each sentence with the correct ending (A - l) below.

Write the correct letter (A - l) in boxes 22 - 27 on your answer sheet.

Our New Punctuality Policy

As the company management has recently noticed a number of employees arriving late to work, the company has decided to implement a punctuality policy. The policy will be created in liaison with all our employees, so that everyone knows where they stand and that they will be treated fairly.

Punctuality is always a difficult thing for managers to enforce, as there are often reasons for lateness. No supervisor likes to be heavy-handed and antagonise people. On the other hand, other employees may feel frustrated by colleagues who routinely show up late. If the issue isn't addressed by management, a sense of preferential treatment may occur because a colleague is getting away with unprofessional behaviour. The policy will therefore help support the supervisors as well as make things clear for all employees.

Lateness affects employee productivity. The late employee cannot complete tasks, is not there to take part in teams and will need to be covered by colleagues, which stops the colleagues from fulfilling their own responsibilities. This can be very demotivating for the late workers' colleagues.

Next week at 10 a.m., we will be holding a mandatory meeting for all staff, where the draft policy will be discussed. All employees will be allowed to ask questions and make their points of view known. Notes will be taken of the meeting and shared by email, so that everyone can see how all viewpoints will be taken note of. If any employee cannot make this meeting due to work responsibilities, they should communicate with their line manager so that they have the chance to ask questions and make their opinions known.

Our policy will define "punctual" for all our employees. This should include employees being at the work stations and ready to work no later than the shift starting time. The policy should also include the consequences for showing up late or not being prepared to work. This may range from light punishment such as a verbal warning to severe punishment such as termination. A termination would typically occur after several incidents of being late, which should be clearly defined in the policy. This allows all employees to know exactly what will happen and when if they continue showing up late.

After next week's meeting, a draft punctuality policy will be drawn up by the Human Resources Department. The draft will be first reviewed by senior management, who will recommend changes as they see fit. When the next draft is ready, the policy will be shared with all employees and everyone will be given the chance to give feedback and voice concerns. After all the feedback has been collected and assessed, the final policy will be published.

When the policy is ready, all employees will be asked to add their signature to it to show they have read and understood everything in it. It's important to highlight that after this the policy will be put into action straight away, and management will be sure to follow through with the consequences, so that the employees who are abusing the current system don't try to get away with continued tardiness.

Any employee with a disability will have no reason to worry, as the policy will reflect the extra difficulties that these employees face. For example, if an employee relies on public transportation or is otherwise unable to arrive to work at a specified time due to his/her disability, flexibility in the punctuality policy is a possible accommodation.

A lead to the punctuality policy being implemented immediately.

B be accountable for their own and others' work.

C be shown to staff before the policy is definitively issued.

D be responsible for their own actions.

E be forced to find a job elsewhere.

F deal with this sometimes emotive situation.

G all workers being involved in the punctuality policy's creation.

H other workers leaving early.

I punctual co-workers feeling demoralised.


22. The new punctuality policy will help managers to

23. A lack of punctuality can often force co-workers to

24. Seeing co-workers arriving late without action being taken can lead to

25. The meeting next week will lead to

26. The drafts of the new punctuality will

27. Signing the punctuality policy will help to


Read the following passage and answer Questions 28 — 40.

The Australian Dingo Fence

Australia is a land with many famous landmarks and is blessed with different magnificent landscapes from desert to mountains. Perhaps Australia's most iconic division is a basic two-meter-high fence. This fence may be basic in its construction, but it certainly is not by length at 5614 kilometers. The world's longest fence, known as the Dingo Fence or Dog Fence, has split Australia in two for the past one hundred and thirty years.

The dingo, the wild dog of the Australian continent and the largest carnivorous mammal in the country, has been seen as a nuisance animal on agricultural lands dating back to the beginning of European settlement in the region, predating the valuable sheep flocks that cover much of southeastern Australia. The dingo's origin is uncertain, though scientists now believe that it is related to the Asian and Middle Eastern wolf that probably arrived in Australia between 3,500 and 4,000 years ago, transported by Asian seafarers.

The first merino sheep flocks were brought to Australia in the 1800's. When grazing began in the northern plains of South Australia in about 1860, the first 30 years were relatively free of dingoes. However, dingo populations multiplied and evidence has shown that they began to thrive on the newly imported European rabbits that were running in feral plagues at the same time.

By the early 1900's, dingo attacks had made it impossible to successfully establish a sheep industry. Bounties have been placed on the heads of dingoes in southeastern Australia since as early as 1852. While bounties were placed on numerous types of animals, the bounties given for dingoes were generally the highest and often twice as much was given for a dingo than for other pests, such as foxes, hares, and wallabies. The most effective method of preventing dingoes from killing sheep in southeastern Australia, however, was to stop them from entering it in the first place. Sheep graziers began building fences around their properties to protect their flocks from the predatory dingo. As time went on, neighbouring livestock properties grouped together to become enclosed within vermin-proof fences. Rapidly expanding fenced properties joined up to become what were termed vermin-proof districts. At the peak of these vermin-proof districts, there were over 30,000 miles of these fences. In 1946, a single-line dog fence was established in South Australia to align with the most northern boundaries of the properties contained within the vermin-proof districts. It now extends from the Great Australian Bight eastward across South Australia, through New South Wales, to finish near the Pacific coast. Over time, the length of the fence has also been reduced within Queensland for cost reasons and control over the dingo population is often done via less expensive poisoning, specifically via bait laced with sodium monofluoroacetate.

While dingoes remain common in the northern half of Australia, they are almost non-existent in most places on the south side of the fence, except for the strip of land between the Pacific Coast and the Great Dividing Range, where no fencing exists. Despite maintenance and patrol, holes have developed in the fence over the years, particularly in South Australia, and dingo offspring have been passing through them and predating on sheep on the other side, greatly affecting the ability of farmers to stay afloat. Feral camels are also smashing through sections of the fence in search of water and recommendations to reinforce and electrify more portions of the fence have been made to deal with this.

The Dog Fence Board is the governing body set up to administer and manage the Dog Fence and ensure that it is regularly patrolled and maintained. The Dog Fence Act 1946 levied a rate on grazing properties located inside the fence to fund wages for maintenance and patrol workers. Since 1947, the fence within South Australia has been continuously maintained, re-aligned and upgraded. New fencing technology has also been incorporated and dog-proof grids at road crossings and solar-powered electrified sections have been introduced.

The type of fence that is mostly used today is the sloping dog fence. Every section of the fence is just over a metre high and has six wires, consecutively electrically charged and earthed, that go between two timber posts down from the top until around 30 centimetres from the bottom. The lower wires then angle out to the ground at approximately a 30-degree angle with four more wires, again consecutively electrically charged and earthed. These angled bottom wires are more narrowly spaced, as this is where pressure from dingoes is greatest. The sloping wire arrangement may also slow the approach of animals to the fence.

This fence is cheaper to construct and maintain compared to the composite dog fence, which goes under the ground. The sloping dog fence is recommended for most locations, except in situations where the soil is susceptible to erosion, as this may result in the formation of gaps below the fence. The positioning of electric wires close to the ground is also likely to result in the death of other animals and, as a result, in places where lots of other species are in danger, this design is avoided. The fence's low electric wires are also likely to be problematic in environments with considerable ground vegetation, which will cause electrical shorts and leakage.

Question 28 - 32

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

In boxes 28 — 32 on your answer sheet write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 


28. No one is really sure where the dingo originally comes from

29. Studies into dingo populations have shown that they have different species in different parts of Australia.

30. The introduction of other non-native animal species boosted dingo numbers.

31. People could earn more money killing dingoes than they could by killing other nuisance species.

32. Generally, farms created individual solutions to the dingo problem

Question 33 - 37

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 33 - 37 on your answer sheet.

33. Killing dingoes in Queensland with poison is done because

34. Electrifying more sections of the dingo fence

35. Farms protected by the dingo fence today

36. The sloping dog fence is not suitable for

37. The wires at the bottom of the sloping dog fence

Question 38 - 40

Label the diagram below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 38 - 40 on your answer sheet.

A Section of a Sloping Dog Fence
