Welcome to your MOCK TEST 6 - READING

SECTION 1:  Questions 1 — 14

Questions 1 — 7

Answer the questions below.

write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1 - 7 on your answer sheet.

Our Town's Anniversary Day Celebrations

In order to celebrate our town's 200th anniversary of being founded, we have planned a series of events to take place on Saturday 8th July. We hope that lots of people and their families will join us in the town centre for a day of fun and festivity. Children are of course very welcome and we hope that there will be plenty to fun things to do for the young and not so young.

The day will start at 11 a.m., when the town Mayor will formally launch the anniversary celebration with a short speech in the town gardens. She will be joined by the various councillors from the town council and some officials from the sponsors of the celebrations. The ceremony is planned to take only around 15 or 20 minutes, so please turn out especially to watch the opening ceremony so that you can support the sponsors who are paying for most of the fun all through the day.

The Mayor will spend all day in the town, wandering around to meet and talk to residents. Please don't ask her anything too serious, as the day is meant to be light-hearted! All the town centre's shops will be open and their normal closing time of 7 p.m. will be extended to 9 p.m., so the shopaholics amongst you can have the time of your lives. Do check though with stores outside the town centre for their planned opening and closing times.

In the town square from noon, there will be a fete, with lots of games to play for the young and not so young. Everything is either free or very cheap, so have a go at everything - please take note though of any age limits on any of the fun rides available. If there is any excess revenue left at the end of the day, the money will ALL go to the Children's Hospital. The entertainment is bound to be very popular, so please keep an eye on your children with all the crowds. We don't want any youngsters getting lost.

If you're hungry at any time, head for the town gardens, where a variety of different foods and drinks will be on sale. Feel free to sit on the grass and eat your food with your friends and family, but please use the rubbish bins for your waste. Most of the food providers will have microwaves and they will welcome any requests to warm up baby food.

In the late afternoon from 4.30 p.m., there will also be music to listen to in the town gardens. There will be various bands playing and everyone should find something to their taste. Lots of tables will be set up, so grab a place and a drink and relax. The music will end shortly before the firework display.

At 10 p.m., there will be a firework display to end the day's fun. The best places to see will be from the town gardens again or from Bellbottom Hill. Make sure you get a place to view early, as this will surely be a popular event. Please check that you haven't left any rubbish when you leave. Extra rubbish bins will be provided for any of your waste. People will be able to get back to their respective suburbs by night bus, and plenty of these will be laid on for free from 11 p.m. for one hour.

We hope you have a great day out. It will be a great opportunity for all of our town residents to get together and celebrate the anniversary of our beautiful town. All we ask is that you keep the town centre tidy and that you don't make too much noise heading home in the evening - the town centre's residents may be trying to get to sleep! Special constables will be on hand to watch over everything or to answer any questions that you might have, but we hope that they won't be needed.


1. Who will open the celebrations for the anniversary day?

2. When will the town centre shops close on the anniversary day?

3. What organisation will receive any profit that is made at the anniversary day?

4. Who will be playing music in the afternoon of the anniversary day?

5. What will be the last event of the anniversary day?

6. How can people get home at the end of the anniversary day?

7. Who will be on duty to make sure people aren't too loud in the evening of the anniversary day?

Questions 8 — 14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

In boxes 8— 14 on your answer sheet write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

Driving in New Zealand

There are three stages to getting a car licence. At each stage, you earn a new licence with fewer restrictions and more responsibilities.

Stage 1: learner licence

You must be at least 16 years old before you can apply for your learner licence and you first have to pass a road theory exam before you can get it. Your learner licence will be issued for five years and while on a learner licence:

  • You must only drive with a supervisor sitting beside you at all times. Your supervisor must hold a current full New Zealand car licence, which does not have a supervisor condition. They must have held their full New Zealand licence (or an equivalent overseas licence) for at least two years.
  • Your car must display learner (L) plates front and rear.
  • You may carry passengers, but your supervisor has to agree to this.
  • You face severe penalties if you drive outside the licence conditions.

Stage 2: restricted licence

To apply for your restricted licence, you must be at least 16 1/2 years old and have held your learner licence for at least six months. To progress to this step, you'll have to pass a practical test of your driving skills. Your restricted licence will be issued for five years and while on a restricted licence:

  • You can drive on your own, but not between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Generally, you cannot carry passengers without the supervision of a licensed car driver. Your supervisor must hold a current full New Zealand car licence that does not have a supervisor condition. They must have held their full New Zealand licence (or an equivalent overseas licence) for at least two years.

Stage 3: full licence

You must be at least 18 years of age before you can apply for your full li cence. If you have completed an approved advanced driving skills course, this is reduced to 17 1/2.

If you are under 25 years of age, you can apply after you've held your restricted licence for at least 18 months, or at least 12 months if you have completed an approved advanced driving skills course. If you are 25 years of age or older, you can apply after you have held your restricted licence for at least six months, or at least three months if you have completed an approved advanced driving skills course. To progress to a full licence, you have to pass a practical test by demonstrating safe driving behaviour across a wide range of traffic situations and road conditions.

It's important to prepare properly for all the above stages ofgetting a New Zealand driving licence. There are many licensed and approved driving schools all around the country and you are advised to take a number of lessons and only apply for a test when your instructor feels that you are ready to do so.

For details on how and where you can apply for a New Zealand driving licence and for how and where the relevant tests can be taken, please consult the New Zealand Transport Agency website.


8. You must successfully take a theory test before being eligible for a learner licence.

9. Learner plates must be kept on a learner's car until they have had a full licence for 6  months.

10. Any 17-year-old with a learner licence can apply for a restricted licence.

11. There are validity limits for restricted licences.

12. Any holder of a current full New Zealand car licence can be a supervisor for a restricted licence driver.

13. Full licences can only be obtained after a driver has passed his/her eighteenth birthday.

14. The advanced driving skills course can be conducted only after a full licence has been held for at least 6 months.

SECTION 2 Questions 15 — 27

Questions 15 — 21

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15 - 21 on your answer sheet.

Greening Ltd. — notes for agency workers

Welcome to Greening Ltd. These notes are meant to help any agency workers who are assigned to us.

We hope that you enjoy your time with us and that it is profitable for both you and the company. These notes do not cover people who are self-employed. Self-employed workers should ask their contact point with Greening Ltd. for thei r terms and conditions of any employment with us.

Agency workers will not have contracts with Greening Ltd. When you're offered a job with Greening Ltd., the agency must tell you your start date, how long the work is likely to last, the type of work, about any expenses you may have to pay, the location, your hours, about any health and safety risks and about any experience, training or qualifications needed for the role. Some of these conditions may change after you have worked at Greening Ltd. for longer than 12 weeks (see below).

The working day at Greening Ltd. begins at 8 a.m. On their first day, all agency workers should report by 8 a.m. to Mr. Buckley, who is to be found in the personnel department. Mr. Buckley will tell you which department you are assigned to. When you get to your department, your department manager will tell you about your duties. The working day finishes at 5 p.m. All agency workers are allowed an hour for their lunch break and they are also entitled to morning and afternoon breaks. Your department manager will tell you the break times in your department.

All agency workers have certain rights according to law and the Greening Employee Charter.

From day one of their employment, any agency worker will be entitled to:

  • the same rights to facilities such as staff canteens, childcare and transport as a comparable employee of the hirer.
  • be informed about any job vacancies.

After a 12-week qualifying period, any agency worker will be entitled to the same basic conditions of employment as if they had been directly employed by Greening Ltd. This includes:

  • pay - including any fee, bonus, commission, or holiday pay relating to the assignment. (It does not include redundancy pay, contractual sick pay, and maternity, paternity or adoption pay).
  • working time rights - for example, including any annual leave above what is required by law.

Your 12 weeks will start again if you get a new job at a different workplace, have a break of more than 6 weeks between jobs at Greening Ltd., or stay at Greening Ltd. but take a new role that's substantively different. This kind of role is one that's completely new, different work. It could be a combination of different skills, pay rate, location, or working hours, or it could require new training.

All agency workers, regardless of how long they have been with Greening Ltd., will a Iso be entitled to paid time off to go to ante-natal appointments during their working hours.

All agency workers are welcome to talk with the trade union representative (Mrs. White in the post room on the 4th floor) with regard to their rights and obligations.


Greening Ltd. — notes for agency workers

* The notes are for all agency workers (not workers who are (15)  ).

* Agency workers' contracts are not with Greening Ltd. Their agency will also clarify any work details with Greening Ltd.

* The working day is 8 a.m. — 5 p.m. (1 hour for lunch).

* New agency workers must go to the (16) to get their assignments from Mr. Buckley.

* Departmental managers will inform agency workers about their duties and (17) .

The Rights of Agency Workers at Greening Ltd.

From Day 1

* Access to all facilities + notification of all (18) .

After 12 Weeks

* The same basic conditions of employment as all Greening employees.

* All pay rights (with some exclusions).

* Working time rights, such as annual leave.

Note Bene

The 12 weeks begin again in various conditions, including starting (19)  work at Greening Ltd.

* (20) can be attended with pay by all agency workers.

* The (21) is available for consultations if required.

Questions 22 - 27

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 22 - 27 on your answer sheet

Starting a Business - the advantage of renting premises

When you're starting out in a business, one of the initial decisions you will have to make is whether to buy or rent the premises in which you wish to conduct your business.

Buying business premises is a big commitment and it's important to consider carefully whether renting is a better option. Renting can firstly provide more flexibility for your business as it grows. You are not locked into property ownership and you can usually agree with your landlord the length of the lease that you require, or have a break clause included. This will let you end your occupation (usually on a specific date) if, for instance, you want to relocate.

Financially, renting can make good business sense. Upfront charges for leasing premises are often relatively low, though you will have to provide a refundable deposit. But generally, renting ties up less capital than buying, freeing up cash that could be used elsewhere in the business. You are not exposed to interest rate rises, although your rent may rise periodically as a result of rent reviews. Always check to see how rent is reviewed before you sign the lease.

There is also less potential for unexpected financial shocks - unless you wish to sell the remaining term on your lease to someone else, falls in property value will not affect you. Also, you will have no concerns about Capital Gains Tax, unless you decide to sell your lease for a premium.

You may have less responsibility for the building if you rent rather than buy, although this will depend on the terms of your lease. You may have to look after maintenance inside the building, but external maintenance is more likely to be the responsibility of the landlord, particularly in multi -occupancy premises; you may, however, have to pay a service charge.

If you are a tenant in commercial property and employ staff, you must ensure the workplace meets a number of basic requirements under health and safety rules. These include ensuring the workplace temperature is appropriate, providing sufficient space, ventilation and lighting, providing suitable sanitation and washing facilities, providing drinking water, maintaining equipment and keeping the premises clean and free of waste. You must perform a risk assessment in the workplace and take steps to remove any hazards and potential risks. Your landlord will also have health and safety duties regarding the premises that you are renting and you should ensure that these responsibilities are being met.

If you rent commercial premises, the landlord must issue you with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). The EPC provides information on energy efficiency using A-G ratings. It also includes recommendations for improvement. Acting on the recommendations can help you cut energy consumption, save money on bills and help reduce carbon emissions. The advantage to a renter is that the landlord should pay for all or at least a part of any improvements that you feel will improve the energy performance of the building. These responsibilities though should be laid out in your rental contract.

Whatever a landlord has put into a draft contract, the important thing is that renting can also give you space for negotiation. You or your agent can negotiate any aspect of the lease, either at the start or, if you want to renew it, after the lease ends. The landlord will be keen to rent his/her property, as it will not bring him/her any income unoccupied, so don't be afraid to ask (or even insist) on things.

Remember, you can always walk away and find a property or landlord that will give you what you want.


Starting a Business — the advantages of renting premises

The advantages of renting premises for a new business start with (22)   meaning you are not stuck with a property. The duration of the (23)   can also be negotiated to suit your requirements (length etc.). Renting involves fewer initial costs, with only a (24)   to be paid before the monthly rent. You are also not vulnerable to (25)   fluctuations and only changes in rent will raise your monthly costs. Drops in property value will usually not affect you. Your only building responsibilities will probably be internal maintenance, although there will probably be a service charge levied. Both landlords and tenants of business premises have health and safety responsibilities for the staff in terms of property's facilities and environment. A (26)    must be carried out and acted upon. An EPC will be issued by the landlord and you can use it to improve the property's energy performance. Who pays for what ought to be in the (27)   . Finally, renting conditions can be negotiated with the landlord.

SECTION 3 Questions 28 — 40

Questions 28 — 33

The text on the following pages has 6 paragraphs (A — F).

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i - ix, in boxes 28 - 33 on your answer sheet.

Saving People from the Sea

Paragraph A

Drowning claims an estimated 372,000 lives around the world each year. This is a conservative estimate and the actual number is likely to be much higher. More than 90 per cent of these drownings happen in low- and middle-income countries. Despite the scale of the problem, it is barely recognised and it's hard to believe that this is not yet a priority around the world. The UKbased Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) is working to change that. Working in partnership with others, they are expanding their international work to provide communities with the knowledge, equipment and skills to try to reduce this staggering loss of life.

Paragraph B

The islands of Britain and Ireland have always been at the mercy of the sea. In the early 19th century, there was an average of 1800 shipwrecks a year around the coasts of Great Britain, with many sailors drowned. This danger was a tolerated part of life on board. Rescue services did exist in some places — there are records of a rescue boat stationed in Liverpool from 1730. In Bamburgh, Northumberland, men from the local castle patrolled the shore on horseback, ready to go to sea in their 'unimmergible' coble — the first purpose-built lifeboat, designed by Lionel Lul<in.A 1789 competition, run by a group of businessmen from Newcastle, sought designs for rescue boats. One of the entries, from William Wouldhave, was designed to self right. Boat builder Henry Greathead was asked to build a lifeboat combining the best features of Lukin's and Wouldhave's plans, and came up with a vessel called the Original. Within 20 years, he had built more than 30 of these lifeboats, and they were soon saving lives all around Great Britain.  

Paragraph C

Sir William Hillary is credited with founding the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. After witnessing the destruction of dozens of ships from his home on the Isle of Man, and getting involved in rescue attempts himself, Hillary appealed to the Navy, the government and other  'eminent characters' for help in forming 'a national institution for the preservation of lives and property from shipwreck'. With the support of London Members of Parliament (MP) and  businesses, the Institution was founded as a charity on 4 March 1824. Hillary in fact took part in a rescue himself in 1830, at the age of 60. The packet St George had foundered on rocks at the  entrance to Douglas harbour. Hillary commanded the lifeboat and was even washed overboard with others of the lifeboat crew. Finally, however, everyone aboard the St George was rescued  with no loss of life.

Paragraph D

When Sir William Hillary first issued his appeal to the British nation in 1823, he sent it out to the Navy and government. He gained great sympathy, but not much cash! It was MP Thomas Wilson who suggested asking wealthy philanthropists to support the fledgling lifeboat service.Obtaining money in 1824 was very successful, bringing in almost £10,000, but the impetus soon  stagnated and, by 1849, income had dropped to £354. Efforts in the mid-19th century were focused on the wealthy, and it wasn't until the late 1880's that the RNLI realised how generous the general public could be. Following a tragic disaster in 1886, a public appeal was launched that raised £10,000 in 2 weeks. A little later, there was the first 'Lifeboat Saturday'. Bands, floats and lifeboats paraded through the streets of Manchester, followed by volunteers with collecting buckets and purses on poles. More than £5,000 was taken on the day, which was the first recorded example of a charity street collection.

Paragraph E

For the RNLI's first 100 years or so, lifeboats were mostly put to sea and brought in from their  local beaches. In many communities, hauling the lifeboat was done by women, as most of the men were on board, though farmers often loaned their horses to help bear the weight. Lifeboats were frequently dragged for long distances before putting to sea to minimise the time at sea in rough conditions. In 1899, the lifeboat in the village of Lynmouth, Devon, was hauled 10 miles by a team of 50 to 60 people and 18 horses to go to the aid of a vessel in distress in another bay. These days, most large, all-weather lifeboats are designed to go to sea from a slipway, or to lie afloat. But leaving land from the beach is still common, especially with the smaller, inshore lifeboats. Specially adapted tractors are now used to do the hauling.

Paragraph F

The way in which the public uses the sea has changed dramatically since the RNLI's foundation. More individuals are using the water for leisure, so the RNLI has had to change accordingly. In  2001, RNLI lifeguards began patrolling some of the most popular beaches in England and now lifeguards patrol over 200 beaches around the UK, rescuing thousands of people every year and providing first aid and safety advice. This 'prevention-rather-than-cure' approach also helps the  RNLI's Coastal Safety and Education teams save lives by preventing people from getting into  danger in the first place. Also in 2001, the RNLI's first station on an inland waterway was established in Northern Ireland. Environmental change has increased demand too. The Flood Rescue Team was formed in 2000 to respond to floods anywhere in the UK or Ireland within 6  hours. The RNLI also has an international Flood Rescue Team that can deploy anywhere in the world within 24 hours.

i Fundraising

ii Government Support

iii A Developing Service

iv A Global Issue

v A Lesson from America Early Lifesavers and their Craft

vi New Training Facilities

vii Launching

viii The Beginning of the RNLI



28. Paragraph A

29. Paragraph B

30. Paragraph C

32. Paragraph E

33. Paragraph F

 Questions 34 - 37

Complete each sentence with the correct ending (A - G) below.

Write the correct letter (A - G) in boxes 34 - 37 on your answer sheet.

A employed by the British navy.

B motivated by seeing many shipwrecks where he lived.

C probably grossly under-estimated.

D more dangerous on navy ships.

E a mixture of different designs.

F never accepted by the British navy.

G always an accepted part of a seafarer's life.

34. The official figure of people drowned around the world is

35. In the past, the danger of drowning was

36. The lifeboat named "The Original" was

37. The founder of the RNLI was

Questions 38 — 40

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 38 - 40 on your answer sheet.

38. Focusing on the public for early funding of the RNLI was

39. Early life boats were often

40. The RNLI service has evolved because