Welcome to your ĐN - TEEN - LISTENING

Part 1

Question 1-5 – For each question, choose the correct answer.

1. What time is Margaret’s train?

2. What will Mary bring to the party?

3. What will Roberta do this afternoon?

4. What will the friends eat for dinner?

5. What job does Kevin 's son have?

Part 2

Questions 6-10 – For each question, writehe correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time.

You will hear a woman talking to a group of students about the library.

Part 3

Questions 11-15 – For each question, choose the corect answer.

You will hear Peter talking to his friend Linda about going camping.

11. Who is Peter going camping with?

12. How many nights are Peter and his friends going camping for?

13. Peter

14. How many tents are they taking?

15. Peter and his friends

Part 4

Questions 16-20 – For each question, choose the correct answer.

16. You will hear a woman shopping for shoes. Which pair of shoes does she buy?

17. You will hear a woman describing something she lost. What did she lose?

18. You will hear two friends talking. What is Paul going to make?

19. You will hear a man talking about his holiday to his friend. What animal did he ride?

20. You will hear a woman talking to her friend. Why is she upset?

Part 5

Questions 21-25 – For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear John and Fiona talking about what to do with the family at the activity center. What activity will each person do?


John – B




21. Billy

A tennis

22. Fred

B golf

23. Fiona

C football


D swimming

25. Shona

E horse riding



F table tennis



G badminton



H no activity