Welcome to your Final Test - Reading and Listening


Part 1: For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A. B, C or D) best fits each gap.

An ancient cave interests scientists

At the base of a hill in South Africa, a cluster of huge stones marks the entrance to one of humanity's oldest known dwelling places. In fact, humans have (1) ................... Wonderwerk Cave for 2 million years - most recently in the early 1900s, when a farming family (2) ................... it their home. Wonderwerk holds another distinction as well: the cave contains the earliest (3) ................... evidence that our ancient ancestors were using fire for cooking.

Like many archaeological finds, this one was accidental. Researchers were trying to (4) ................... the age of primitive stone tools that had been unearthed in the cave. In the process, they (5) ................... across the ashes of a campfire containing what turned (6) ................... to be remains of food from a million years ago. That was 200,000 years older than any (7) ................... discovered remnants of human-controlled fire. At Wondenwerk, the researchers are digging ever deeper, analysing soil up to 1.8 million years old, (8) ................... evidence of even older fires.









Part 2: For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

The joys of horse riding

For me, riding a horse is a delightful combination of adventure, excitement and relaxation. You can proceed at a slow, peaceful trot (9) choose to go at full speed, (10) you prefer that. (11) I love most about being on a horse is that you get a different view of the world, seeing things you would not normally see, totally surrounded by nature. Each ride has (12) own appeal. I especially cherish cold, crisp days in winter when the ground sparkles with snow. Even riding in the rain has a certain appeal - splashing through puddles and galloping home quickly so (13) to escape the next downpour. (14) paths you ride along may be familiar, you can never quite predict the surprises beyond the next corner. Riding Even the alone can be fabulous, but going out on horses with a friend is best of (15) . horses seem to enjoy the company of each (16)

Part 3: For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the Word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Henry Ford

One of the most important contributions of the American businessman, Henry Ford to the development of the automobile was as inventor of the moving assembly line in 1913. Before this, teams of factory workers would all work together to construct a complete car. With an assembly line, each (17) in Ford's factory had a specific (18) for only one job when putting together the car. This (19) of labour resulted in (20) cost savings and meant that the total time taken in producing the cars was shortened quite (21) .With the addition of an (22) system for moving the cars as they were being assembled, Ford's factory turned out a finished car every 93 minutes. Even then, cars were too (23) for most people. Therefore, Ford raised the minimum wage for his factory workers which led to general wage increases across America. In this way, cars became (24) for more people and therefore relatively inexpensive compared to previous times.













Part 4: For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the firs sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0. A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town. (DRIVEN)

⇒ We were driven into town by a very friendly taxi driver.

Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

25. Thick fog prevented the plane from landing. (UNABLE)

⇒ The plane ____________________________ of the thick fog.

26. Mr Brown was just about to leave home when he remembered he hadn't bought a ticket. (POINT) 

⇒ Mr Brown was ______________________________ home when he remembered he hadn't bought a ticket.

27. I first visited Rome ten years ago. (SINCE)

⇒ I has ___________________________ first visit to Rome.

28. Helen didn't tell me anything about the interview she had yesterday. (WORD)

⇒ Helen _________________________ to me about the interview she had yesterday

29. Membership of the club is open to anyone over eighteen. (AGE)

⇒ Anyone who is more than eighteen ________________________ a member of the club.

30. Carole is hardly ever late for work. (ALMOST)

⇒ Carole is __________________________ time for work.

Part 5: You are going to read an article by Cal Flynn, who went to the Arctic Circle to work for a company that runs husky sled trips. For questions 31-36, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Working with huskies

Just over a year ago, I left my job to work with huskies in the Arctic Circle in the far north of Finland. At 26, I was restless. I was dreaming of Arctic landscapes, cold and bleak expanses, perhaps in reaction to the noise and crowded living of London. So I found a small company run by Anna McCormack, and her husband, Pasi Ikonen, deep in Finnish Lapland. They agreed to take me on as a husky dog handler for a busy winter season. From December to February, there is plenty of business taking tourists out on sled rides pulled by huskies across the ice and snow (for anything from an hour to a five-day stretch). They started with six dogs, which rapidly expanded to more than 100

Recently, they took over a second property the 'wilderness farm', which they wrote was a picturesque but basic outpost with untrustworthy electrics and no running water. I could join the team for three months, they told me, if I knew what I was letting myself in for. The hours are long, the conditions tough and the work very physical.' I started packing straight away.

November 6, London

On my flight out I look out of the window. It is said that spring marches north at a rate of about 26 km per day, a tidal wave of opening flowers and leaves. I think what I am seeing, however, is the opposite movement, with winter marching south, and the rivers freezing over

November 7, Helsinki and Hetta

We drive north by bus through endless dark forest - thin conifers, welghed down by snow-stopping occasionally to let reindeer lumber out of the way. I arrive at the farm after dark, and am barely through the door when I'm handed a pair of boots and turned out into (line 41) the cold. 'Do you want to be thrown in at the deep end? Anna asks. It's a rhetorical question.


I follow the sound of barking, which grows to a wall of noise by the time I reach the dogsheds. Three figures are running back and forth up the lines of huskies, pulling them out and harnessing them to sleds. The dogs are almost hysterical with excitement, straining against the ropes in their desperation to be off. I can barely hear to introduce (line 51) myself, but the others are too harried to stop and talk much anyway. I hover on the sidelines and rub the forehead of one of the quieter dogs. Someone gestures at me impatiently - 'Get in!'- and I almost fall into the nearest sled. A command rings out, and with a jerk we are off into the dark, with only a head torch for light.

November 15, Hetta It does not take long to be initiated into the ranks of the husky guides. 'Are you useful?' Anna asks. I'm stumped. I don't know. Am 1? Further questioning reveals that no, 1 am not: 1 have never driven a snowmobile, haven't done woodwork since school and have never chopped anything with an axe. 'You do have a driving licence?' someone asks finally. I nod, relieved.

The basics of dog-sledding can be picked up very quickly: lean into the corners, put both feet on the brake to stop, and, whatever happens, don't let go of the handlebar. But everything else seems to be very complicated. Simple tasks such as feeding and watering the dogs become very difficult in sub-zero conditions. A bowl of water will freeze solid while you watch, so we must make a 'soup' of meat in hot water for the dos. By the end of my first week my head is going round and round after so many instructions and my muscles ache from dragging heavy sleds - and from being dragged around myself by over enthusiastic huskies. But I am triumphant.

'I can chop with an axe, hammer a nail, and use a circular saw,' I email friends excitedly. 'In the snow.




31. What were Cal's feelings when leaving London?

32. What was Cal's reaction to the description of the farm?

33. Cal uses the phrase 'thrown in at the deep end' in line 41 to indicate that she was

34. What does 'harried' mean in line 51?

35. What impression is given of life with the husky guides?

36. How does Cal describe her situation after a week?

Part 6: You are going to read an article about a charitable project that feeds a million school children. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37-42).

There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

The man who organised meals for children all over the world from his garden shed

In a remote Scottish valley stands a small iron shed that is affecting the lives of a million children thousands of kilometres away. The shed was the birthplace in 2002 of a tiny charity called Mary's Meals, run by a man called Magnus MacFarlane Barrow. Magnus now employs fifty people in the Scottish city of Glasgow, but continues to work from the shed himself.

Magnus used to work for a large humanitarian organisation, and this job took him all over the world. During one trip in 2002, he was being shown round a school by a local teacher, when he asked a young boy of 14 what his dreams were. The boy said, 'to have enough food to eat and to go to school. (37) He would provide dinner for them each day they were at school.

As he researched it over a lengthy period, Magnus found that many children around the world were going to school without having had any breakfast, 'and they weren't getting anything at school-so it would be evening before they got fed,' Magnus says. (38)

At the last count, Mary's Meals was working in 1,300 schools in 12 countries across four continents, providing school meals to 996,926 children each day. 'You find that when school dinners are provided, enrolment increases by around 18%- in some instances It's a lot more and the school roll has doubled in a matter of weeks,' says Magnus. 39 . ‘And attendance rates go up too, because in many schools children are enrolled but don't attend school very often, and that


changes once they know they will be fed. And academic performance also improves a lot-because now not only are children coming in to school, they are also not hungry in lessons.'

The successes are all the more remarkable given the fact that it costs relatively little to feed a child for a whole school year. While Mary's Meals has grown dramatically, it has a modest income in comparison with other charities. (40) The school feeding programmes are run by local communities. Mary's Meals works to establish links with local farmers and community leaders such as teachers. These people organise a small army of volunteers, most of them mothers, who cook and serve the meals. Mary's Meals provides the kitchen, with all the cooking equipment. It also pays for the locally sourced food and gives training.

In 2012 one young supporter of Mary's Meals, nine year-old Martha Payne, catapulted the charity to new heights of fame when she started a fundraising blog about her own unhealthy school dinners in Scotland and was briefly banned from doing so by her local council. (41) The decision was soon reversed after protests on the internet.

Magnus's main focus, however, remains more global. (42) There are, he says, an enormous number of children across the world who are not in school because of hunger and poverty. 'In many ways, I feel we are just beginning.'


A- This was an idea of brilliant simplicity, but proved complex to put into practice.

B- The sums involved are still enough to have a significant impact, though.

C- He felt that was an intolerable situation and knew that changing it would make a big difference.

D- The incident attracted a lot of attention, which Magnus admits was not unwelcome.

E- Magnus realised there and then that there was one relatively simple intervention that could transform llfe for children all over the developing world.

F- He is delighted with the way things have gone so far, but says there's a great deal that remains to be done.

G- In the short term that can be problematic, but in the long term it's fantastic,' he adds.

Part 7: You are going to read a magazine article about being a journalist. For questions 43-52, choose from the sections (A-D). The sections may be chosen more than once.

So you want to become a journalist?

Susannah Butter tells us what being a journalist is really like.

A - A journallst's life can be hectic. The morning is usually the busiest part of the day because the newspaper I work on has to be ready for printing by noon. I work on the features pages - that Is, on longer articles, often about interesting people's lives, which requires a lot of thought and organisation. With some of our articles we can take time to think, do proper research and write them in advance. Whereas others are more urgent, timely pleces with a quick turnaround. I'm sometimes asked to write a story that's needed for the next day. It can be scary knowing you have to find lots of information, write around 1,000 words and get ideas for pictures in just a few hours. I like digging up stuff that hasn't been reported and then presenting it in a way that readers will understand and value. It's great when you see people reading and enjoying a piece you've written. At all times, you need to think about how a story can be sold for example, what accompanying plcture and headline will draw people in. 

B - Writing an article can involve having to find people's addresses and knocking on doors to ask them questions. My job allows me to meet and talk to a huge range of interesting people, and it changes all the time. In just one week, 1 might be working on an interview with a singer, a piece about coffee shops and an investigation into an unsolved crime. I think I'd get bored working on one thing all the time! My least favourite thing is probably chasing people for answers-this can involve a long chain of people that eventually leads you to the one person you want to write about. You have to be patient and persistent, politely reminding people what you want and when. You have to know just how far you can push them.

C - Pursuing a career in journalism was a natural choice for me because I'd always read newspapers and been quite nosy about other people's lives. At university, I did a bit of student journalism, editing the arts pages of a student newspaper and doing some writing. In my final year, I went to a careers talk about journalism. After I graduated, I emailed the journalist I'd met at the talk and asked her for work experience. I got it and really enjoyed it. People kept telling me that print journalism was dead, that there's no money in it in the age of the internet. But 1 figured that I'd give it a go anyway. I decided to take it seriously and get as qualified as I could. I've never regretted it. 

D - For those considering a career in journalism, I would recommend reading as much as you can and keeping your eyes and ears open in everyday situations, which is great for getting ideas for stories. You also need to think about articles which work well and why, and remember this when you sit down to write your own. Being a good writer is an advantage, but in my experience journalism is as much about having new ideas and getting things done (preferably quickly!). But don't assume you will be writing front-page stories, or even having your name on any articles at first. Initially, it's about getting to know the people and the system. If they like you, they're more likely to give you an interesting task, listen to your ideas or give you advice.



In which section does the writer mention


having to rely on others when researching a story?


how inspiration for articles can come from listening to people's conversations?


some views on the state of the profession?


the need to have realistic expectations?


the pressure of having to meet deadlines?


the importance of analysing what makes a good article?


getting a sense of satisfaction from the responses of the advantages of


establishing positive relationships with other journalists?readers?


variety being a benefit of working as a journalist?


the degree of preparation involved in producing different articles?


Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).


1. You hear a man talking about an ancient object he found in the ground. The man took the object to a museum because

2. You hear two friends talking about advertising. What does the woman say about advertisements?

3. You hear an actor talking about her career. What does she say about how she became an actor?

4. You hear a tour guide telling a group of tourists about a view. Which feature does the guide think will be most familiar to them?

5. You hear a man talking to a friend about a presentation he has just given. How does he feel now?

6. You hear two students talking about a careers talk they have just heard at college. What do they disagree about?

7. You hear an author of children's books talking about her work. What point is she making?

8. You hear a man and a woman talking about older people learning languages. What does the man say about them?

Part 2: You will hear a student called Andy Richards talking about his recent trip to the tea growing region of Assam In Northern India. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.


Visit to a tea plantation

As part of his (9) course at university, Andy went to India to gather information for a project. Andy compares the tea plant's growing conditions to a (10)   Andy's group were invited to the (11) for the tea tasting session. Andy was surprised that, as well as the leaves, the tea pickers also picked the (12) of the plants.

On the elephant ride, Andy was able to see the (13) in the distance.

At the tea party, the (14) particularly impressed Andy. When going over a (15) , Andy nearly fell off his motorbike. In the market, Andy was very surprised to see the (16) on sale. Andy was pleased with the price he paid for the (17)  for his sister. 

The (18) were Andy's favourite vegetables out of all those on display at the market


Part 3: you will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about work they did in shops. For questions 19-23, choose from the options (A-H) what each person says about their experience. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.


A My confidence was sometimes affected by customers' attitudes.

B I was pleased to discover that I had a good way with customers.

C It made me appreciate the people I worked with

D The training I received didn't equip me to do my job well.

E Customers were satisfied when they got a bargain.

F I wasn't happy with some of the products in the shop.

G It was motivating to sell more than the other assistants.

H It exhausted me both physically and mentally.

19. Speaker 1  

20. Speaker 2  

21. Speaker 3  

22. Speaker 4  

23. Speaker 5  

Part 4: You will hear an interview with Marvin Benby, a beekeeper who keeps his bees in hives on a city rooftop. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).


25. Marvin thinks the best part about keeping bees is

26. One of the difficulties for Marvin of city beekeeping is

27. Marvin says that one of his neighbours

28. When Marvin set up his first beehive

29. What does Marvin say about selling bee-related products?

30. How does Marvin feel about the next few months?