Welcome to your MOCK TEST 4 - LISTENING

SECTION 1 Questions 1 - 10

Questions 1 – 5

Circle the correct letters A - C.

1. Graham and Sophie's first night in Oban is on the

2. Graham and Sophie plan to travel to Oban by

3. Sophie said that she'd check places to stay in, but

4. In Oban, Graham and Sophie will stay

5. Graham and Sophie's booking for accommodation will include

Questions 6 – 10

Complete Sophie's table notes below on her hiking holiday. 

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER from the listening for each answer.


Hike 1

Hike 2


Oban to Dunbeg

Island of Kerrera


Easy (no (6) )



Along coast for 3 1/2 hours

About (8) miles in length


The seat island of Kerrera, cathedral and a spectacular ruined castle

Land and some sea views; castle


Lunch in Dunbeg and then take a (7) home (around 15 minutes)

Go slowly - look around the castle and have a (9)

We can buy a (10) on the ferry.

SECTION 2 Questions 11 - 20

Questions 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters, A - F.

Where did the money come from to buy the town's new museum's building?

A. from the local Weyport town council

B. from money collected from the general public 

C. from the previous town museum 

D. from the previous museum director

E. from a local business

F. from the central arts council


Questions 13 – 15

Choose THREE letters, A - G.

What has the town's new museum's building been used for since it was built?

A. An office building 

B. The fire service 

C. An insurance company 

D. Keeping council property

E. An army centre

F. The council education department

G. The council housing department





Below is a plan of the Weyport Museum ground floor with 9 locations marked A - l.

Questions 16 - 20 name 5 things that can be seen or visited in the museum. 

Write the correct letter (A - l) that matches the things with their locations.

16. The bathrooms           

17. Paintings                       

18. Silverware                     

19. Film                                 

20. Toys                                



Complete the flow chart that summarises the students' planning of their field trip.

Choose FIVE answers from the list below (A - H) and write the correct letter next to questions 21 - 25.

A. location

E. accommodation 

B. equipment

F. dates 

C. computer

G. provisions 

D. transport

H. transport 

Cliff Formation Survey Field Trip

The students needed to decide on their (21) for their field trip.


The students needed to choose a precise (22)  for their field trip.


The students had to estimate the (23) of their survey.


The students decided that they need to reserve their (24) .


The students will have to decide if they should take some (25) with them.




Complete the diagram below on the students' target area of coastal cliff erosion.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the listening for each answer.

Your answers



Questions 29 and 30

Answer the questions below.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the listening for each answer.

29. Which organisation monitors the coastal cliff erosion where the students will be going?

30. What does Alan say the students should bring in case they run into any danger?



Complete the summary below on the lecture on the Wechsler-Belleview Intelligence Scale.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the listening for each answer.

The Wechsler-Belleview Intelligence Scale (The WBIS)

Wechsler believed intelligence was made up of different skills considered within the context of the (31) . His intelligence scale broke away from existing intelligence tests and set up a numerical scale with the (32) set at 100.

Wechsler decided to create a test to measure these different skills that made up intelligence. The 2 main areas tested were (33) and performance and these were then broken down to 14 sub-tests, 7 for each. These 14 topics remain the basis for today's WBIS, which is today's most commonly used (34) .

The WBIS is aimed at adults; for younger children other related scales are used, neither of which need (35) in a child.

The WBIS is not suitable for assessing (36) of intelligence or of the age range. For any of these situations, care should be taken with (37) of the results.

The WBIS can also be used for neuropsychological assessment. Differences in answers can indicate types of (38) . In addition, the WBIS is used to diagnose learning disabilities and ADHD. Although experts say the WBIS is best used only for intelligence, it is used to compare cognitive development and performance in social skills or at (39) .

The WBIS is highly regarded as an intelligence test and is often used as a point of comparison for other tests when assessing their (40) and validity.