Welcome to your MOCK TEST 6 - LISTENING

SECTION 1 Questions 1 — 10

Questions 1 — 6

Complete Mrs. Davis' notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the listening for each answer.

Dominic's Summer Sports Camp

Example                                                                                  Answer

Dominic can join a group for children between 11 and            13           years. This won't have children too old for him.

The sports coaching is done by sports science students, who are supervised by (1) with more experience. All staff have an enhanced police check and company training. They are also trained in (2)  and there's a hospital nearby.

Dominic will need warm clothing and changes of clothing in case of bad weather. If weather is bad, everyone will move into the (3) of Wentmount School.

Sessions :           Morning, afternoon or both. Dominic can do both and make some new friends.

Food                   Give Dominic a packed lunch or he can join the group lunches.

                            Group Lunches - Basic starter; hot main course; (4) to finish with.

Dominic will need his sports equipment that he wants to bring and some (5) for between meals.

Timings              Morning Session 9.30 a.m. - 12.00 midday

                             Afternoon Session 1.30 p.m. - (6) p.m.

Children must be picked up by 5 p.m.

Question 7 - 10

Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.

7. Dominic's favourite sport is

8. Mrs. Davis says that the instructors should know that

9. The first week of the camp, Dominic will

10. To keep Dominic's reserved place on the sports camp, Mrs. Davis has to return the form

SECTION 2 Question 11 - 20

Question 11 - 15

Match the situation given (questions 11 - 15) with the advice given in the listening by Police Constable Dawson (A - l).

Write the correct letter (A - l) next to questions 11 - 15.

A    Cancel your bank cards.

B    Establish a security routine.

C    Find a secure storage place for your bank cards.

D    Go to a nearby shop and explain what has happened.

E    Make sure a photo and description goes to the police.

F    Hide behind a nearby car.

G    Burn them.

H    Buy a paper shredder.

I    Search the nearby area.

11. Your bicycle has been stolen.

12. You are worried that someone is following you.

13. You've bought a car.

14. Your house is broken into, but your bank cards are not taken.

15. You need to throw away some documents that have sensitive information.



Question 16 - 20

Complete the sentences below.

Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the listening for each answer.

16. is what allows cell phone thieves to succeed.

17. Pickpockets like stealing in busy so be extra aware in these places.

18. People leaving subway stations often have their cell phones stolen when they look to see if they have a

19. People should consult their to find out how to switch on the security features available on their cell phones.

20. If your cell phone is stolen, the police have to know more than its  and colour if they are to get it back to you.

SECTION 3 Question 21 - 30

Question 21 - 25

Complete the summary below on the Kenyan flower industry.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the listening for each answer.

The Kenyan Flower Industry

The Kenyan flower industry is Kenya's largest after (21)  and tea and has increased by 31% over the last 5 years. Originally started to contribute to British East Africa's (22) it continued to flourish after independence due to its geographical position and variety of climate conditions.

Economic advantages, such as beneficial (23) have kept costs low and good logistics have been set up to service world flower markets. Labour and energy costs are also low and there is no (24)  on European exports from Kenya.

Floriculture is Kenya's 2nd highest foreign exchange earner and it generates plenty of (25) for Kenya's public economy - 50,000 to 70,000 people are employed directly and 1 1/2 million people indirectly.


Question 26 - 30

Complete the table below on problems and criticisms of the Kenyan flower industry.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the listening for each answer.

Problems and Criticisms

Workforce Disputes

* Not wholly resolved yet

High Oil Prices

* Increased (26) costs

Heavy Rains +

Extended Drought

* Affected the crop size


* Mostly from countries on or near the equator

* Biggest competitors - The Netherlands, Colombia, Ecuador and Ethiopia

* Competition getting fiercer due to the numbers of roses produced and better (27)  from the competition.


* Wages are often too low - workers have a problem with poor disposable income

* Trade unions are discouraged

Water Usage

* 1 rose's water footprint is 7 - 13 litres

* There has been a very large water export within the flowers out of the country

* Lakes have declined in level and (28)


* In local lakes

* Large producers initially blamed, but it's now proved that small holders are also to blame

* The nutrient load in lakes is too high

* Attempts at improvement by increasing the price of (29)

 and other regulatory measures - political and tribal issues have resisted these attempted efforts

Outdated Farm Methods

* Improving situation

* More organic ways of (30)  are being used

* More water recycling and waste disposal systems in participating farms have led to long-term costs savings

SECTION 4 Question 31 - 40

Question 31 - 37

Complete the flow chart that summarises the cotton growing process.

Use NO MORE THAN MO WORDS from the listening for each answer.

Growing Cotton

Planting - seeds planted at a fixed depths and (31) . Seedlings sprout after around a week or two, depending on temperature and moisture.

Weed Control - weeds can affect yields. Addressed with close cultivation and seeds planted deep into (32) -weeds high and dry. Herbicides are also used.

Insect Management - Insects can destroy the crop - some plants compensate by producing more (33)  . The plants are protected by evaluated chemicals and modern biotechnology.

Irrigation - Cotton very efficient with water: cotton generates more (34) for 1 gallon of water than other US crops. US cotton depends on rain, although supplemental irrigation has increased to deal with drought and problem yields.

Harvesting - This must be done before bad weather comes. It's done by (35) in the US - stripper harvesters and spindle pickers used.

Ginning - separates lint from seeds. Cotton then dried and sent to a warehouse.


Storage - After quality assessment, cotton sold or stored. If stored in a government-approved warehouse, it can be used as security for a (36)

Cottonseed - byproduct from the cotton crop. 

Used as salad oil or high (37) animal feed.

Question 38 - 40

Complete the diagram below of the three nozzle positions for crop-spraying cotton.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the listening for each answer.

Three Nozzle Positions for Crop-spraying Cotton
